Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weekend update

Sorry, I'm sure it won't be as funny as the original.

Friday - went with J to see Benjamin Buttons and have some eats. BB was good, a little sad, but that happens. Stopped at the Lou to have some food because it was 10:30 and we were starving. A was working there, he always hooks me up. 2 free beers - sweet. He probably is sweet on me, but he's young so there's no potential there. When we left we got our parking validation refunds. Apparently the kid didn't have much cash left so he refused to give anyone the full $4 and gave people $3 instead. You can believe I wrote the Levee a LONG letter about that one. I know it's a buck, but seriously, you can't short people money because they kid wasn't given enough cash at the beginning of his shift. Anyway, he could have been lying about that and lined his pockets with the additional buck.

Yesterday I went to the gym and just hung out. Met up with A and L for some Chipotle, and then headed to Habits for some drinks, where K met up with us. K just broke up with the guy she was dating on NYE, and has already signed up for eHarmony and met a new guy yesterday, who called while we were there and later showed up. Honestly, she does this over and over again, and I wish she would take some time for herself for once to learn to be on her own and figure out what she wants before she jumps in another relationship with the first guy that comes along. I'm not the only one that thinks that way, but honestly, what are you going to do about it? There's not much you can say to someone about it that's going to go the right way. After Habits, L went to Hap's and A and I went to Hyde Park Tavern. It sucked so we met up with L at Habits, where A almost went home with a German Shepard puppy. Better than a greasy guy with an STD right?

Woke up with a bit of a headache, popped a few advil and had some greasy hash browns and homemade goetta for breakfast. Made it up to the galaxy for my 12:30 club fitting. Tried out a few men's drivers, found one I really like. Apparently my club speed is really quick for a woman, so I ended up with a men's senior driver. Found one I hit 217 yards straight down the middle a Cobra. Took a few irons into the simulator, found one I really liked, Ping G10's. Again, a men's senior club. So I got all written up on my special order clubs, and they decided I could buy the driver today but that my mom should come in and get the clubs for me. So after I checked out, I was sitting around shooting the shit with E for a bit, when we noticed some trade in clubs sitting on the next register. Ping rhapsody, the same club I was ordering only slightly better, and they were brand new, full set. The guy had his order sheet from when he purchased them less than a month ago. They were the exact spec that I needed with the exception of the lie angle, they were off by a degree. So I took the 7 back and hit it in the simulator, and was hitting the crap out of it. They were going slightly left but that was because the angle was off. So B took them back and adjusted the angle, and they were mine for a mere $460! For reference, when they were bought new less than a month ago they were $1037. The G10 Pings I was ordering were around $650. I even ended up with more clubs than I was really ordering, I was going to get 5-PW and a gap wedge on my order, but buying used I had to buy the whole set, 3-PW and I got the gap too. They guy had bought 2-PW, gap, sand, and lob wedges, hybrid set and driver less than a month ago and already traded them back in! Some people have more money than sense. So I got new clubs and paid for it all with gift cards from Christmas! Yay!

Had dinner tonight with M. Haven't seen her in a bit, so we went to Mitchell's and had the tasting menu. Yum lobster, spinach salad, lobster and crab cakes, and creme brulee for dessert. She got me a birthday gift, it's the cutest picture from with the quote "there's always something to toast to" on it.

Doing the thing. A is doing it too and raves about it. K is doing eHarmony. A thinks we should do a documentary, I think it would be hilarious. No potential so far, but we'll see. A said she also had doubts the first few days, and to give it a few days. We'll see, Ill have to keep you updated!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day one, and coincidentally, new years day...

So i figure it's time to start something new, right? New year, new blog, new audience of people to bore with my mundane life. So most people write about what they do during the day, right? Well, last night was, of course, new years eve. My first instinct was to boycott. I hate NYE. I like the concept, but the execution sucks. Then my second instinct was just to treat it like a Friday night, dinner and maybe a movie with a friend. Well, then it occurred to me that all the places I like to go, would be $60 to just get in the door, traffic would be horrendous, and drunk people would be on the road. Which brings me to my third idea, which was to go out with two of my (male) friends who didn't seem like they had any concrete plans. Well, until about 8 pm last night, when they both decided to stay in because they were sick. So the one, G told me to call him later to see, maybe he'd be feeling better. So I did and apparently, his pocket answered so I could enjoy the bar background noises. Nice right- lying about being sick. So since he only lives 5 min, I did a drive by on the way to buy myself a happy new years bottle of champagne and confirmed it. Yes, no car in his driveway. I don't mind that he didn't want to hang out with me on new years. All he had to do was say he had plans and I would have gone back to boycotting new years. But this is bullshit. I don't even know how to handle it - probably the silent treatment for now. Oh well. I was exhausted, so I downed the champagne and was in bed before midnight.

So today I woke up at the crack of 6:45. Yes, I forgot to turn off my alarm. So when I couldn't fall back to sleep, I turned on a little TV, confirmed that I still had Comedy Central, and settled in with some Saved by the Bell reruns. Eventually I dozed back off and woke up again around 10:30. Got up, had a divine caramel chocolate and pecan muffin from Costco and settled in for the Bones marathon. Not that I like Bones all that much, but David Bor-a-I-don't-know-how-to-spell-his-name is hot. So I worked on knitting the left glove and watched for a bit. Took a break now and then to do some cleaning and laundry. Then I decided to assemble the filing cabinet the I bought from Target the other night. I was rocking on the thing, I should have had it together in less than 20 minutes. Until I had to put in the drawers. I went to put the large one in and it was a tight squeeze. It went about half way in before it stopped. I pushed it a little harder, and then *whoosh* ball bearings all over the floor. Sticky ball bearings, on my unvacuumed and my vacuum barely works floor. Nice. So I finally get it all back together, all the sticky ball bearings back in, get the drawer back in and *Woosh* AGAIN! Luckily the third time really was the charm, and even though I washed off the sticky grease to get the ball bearings back in, I finally did get the drawer in. Lubed it all back up with a little WD-40 (yes, I do have some on hand!) and now it's good to go, upstairs in my orange room holding the hand-me-down printer that halfway works.

So I did something else today. I created a profile on A has the worst luck with men, and she told me that she was doing it and was having great luck with it so far. She actually raved about it, which surprised me, coming from her. So I created one, hopefully fun and flirty. I looked at my first 5 matches though -well, let's just say it can only go uphill from here! I figured I would do it for what, 6 months or so and see what happens. I've already had 3 people view my profile HA HA! My mom has been bugging me about doing it as well. I said to her that it usually works better for older people, to which she pointed out that I am older now. Ouch - point taken.

Well it's back to work again tomorrow. I wish it was busier-there wasn't much to do over the holidays. I'm going to have to make my first phone call tomorrow asking someone to pay their bill though. Wish me luck on that one!!!